Thursday 28 January 2021

2021-Thai Poosam-Threshold- Peacock...



2021- Thai Poosam- Peacock, Vel (spear) and Foral Om...

 The main floral, big tamil letter is ‘OM”

The meaning of the tamil writing (as a speech bubble) in a short poetic way -
“ The peacock with pride says- ‘OF ALL THE ANIMALS AND BIRDS THE LORD CHOSE ME (the peacock family) AS HIS TRANSPORT.’”
Thaipusam or Thaipoosam (Tamil: தைப்பூசம், Taippūcam), is a festival celebrated by the Tamil Hindu community on the full moon in the Tamil month of Thai (January/February), usually coinciding with Pushya star, known as Poosam in Tamil
The word Thaipusam is a combination of the name of the month, Thai, and the name of a star, Pusam (Tamil word for Pushya). This particular star is at its highest point during the festival. The festival commemorates the occasion when Parvati gave Murugan (aka Kartikeya) a Vel "spear" so he could vanquish the evil demon Soorapadman and his brothers.

Thursday 14 January 2021

2021- Pongal/ Shankaranthi- The tamil writing says- "Pongolo Pongal"....